August 30, 2023
News Release Contact:Virginia ABC Communications - (804) 213-4413 Email: [email protected] Virginia ABC Adjusting Store HoursAll stores to close at 6 p.m. on Labor Day The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) will adjust its store hours effective September 1. Virginia ABC reviews store hours annually as part of its budget process. The decision on closing times is driven by an analysis of store sales during the last two hours of the day.
These changes to retail store hours are part of the authority’s focus on efficiency opportunities while maintaining customer service as a top priority. Customers can visit Virginia ABC’s website at to search for stores, determine the availability of products at any retail location and order spirits online for in-store or curbside pickup or home delivery in select areas. Virginia ABC encourages customers to make mindful choices about alcohol during all of life’s celebrations. Resources are available at Comments are closed.
July 2024